Foot pain, however it arises can be miserable to live with. We need our feet to get around even if it is just to pop to the shops, or into the kitchen to make a cuppa. If we are in pain, it makes that experience so much more difficult and it can have a negative impact on our mental wellbeing.
Foot pain can be caused by anything from: an ingrown toenail; a splinter; poorly fitting shoes, chillblains; corns; hard skin; blisters, the list goes on.
In many cases, foot pain can be resolved or managed by a Podiatrist or Chiropodist, at Me2uPodiatry, Emma is ideally placed to help as your local foot professional.
Podiatrists are experts in foot health and how to manage common foot ailments. As such, Emma loves to be able to help people take better care of their feet, providing them with the tools to do so effectively.
Some of the foot care services that Emma can provide and conditions that can be treated in a mobile setting:
Toenail treatments:
Other Foot Conditions :
If you struggle, or know anyone who struggles with caring for their feet such as an elderly relative then get in touch , Emma would love to be able to help you.
This appointment is for new clients, with treatment in the comfort of your own home.
Emma will carry out assessments; vascular and neurological of your feet and legs, in order to ascertain an individualised base line that we can refer to in the future, if anything changes. This is especially important with those with Diabetes, for which regular assessments are vital.
Emma will take a medical history, including: past operations; medical conditions, both prescribed from your GP and any supplements that you may buy in the shops. A pre-prepared list would be very welcome.
From there Emma will establish a personalised care plan where we will structure appointments specifically for you.
Treatment is also included, finished off with a gentle relaxing foot massage if appropriate. Fingernail care is also available if required.
For those clients that have already undergone an initial assessment.
Treatments that have been previously agreed upon will be carried out.
Length of appointment will vary accordingly.
For 2 people booking in one location, a £5 discount will be applied to both clients
Please use the contact form, email me directly at emma@me2upodiatry, call or text me on 07935 167698 to arrange an appointment.
Email, WhatsApp or text may result in a quicker response than calling.
Emma Godson provides the highest standards of care that you would come to expect from a dedicated podiatrist.
These high standards are maintained by continuous professional development by attending courses and keeping up to date with latest developments in the world of podiatry.
Decontamination procedures are also of the highest standard. High quality chiropody instruments are put through an ultrasonic cleaner, rinsed and then dried before being pouched and autoclaved to a temperature of 134 degrees for a standard length of time. This ensures that every client can be confident that each set of instruments is sterile at the point of use.
Equipment is also wiped down with anti-bacterial and anti-viral spray, before and after each treatment ensuring that the foot care services provided are of the highest standards.